The Attached Piping tab is organized in different areas labeled Shell Nozzles, and Roof Nozzles.
Shell Nozzles #
The Shell Nozzles area includes a Shell Nozzle Summary Table including the following columns:
TAG – Specifies the nozzle TAG identification.
NPS – Specifies the nozzle nominal pipe size (NPS).
SCH – Specifies the nozzle neck schedule/thickness.
ELEV – Specifies the nozzle elevation.
ANGLE – Specifies the nozzle orientation angle.
PROJ – Specifies the nozzle projection. The distance measured from the flange face to the shell’s outer surface.
TYPE – Specifies the nozzle flange type.
CLASS – Specifies the nozzle flange class.
FACE – Specifies the nozzle flange facing.
SERVICE – Specifies the nozzle service.
NOTES – Specify the nozzle notes.
Roof Nozzles #
The Roof Nozzles area includes a Roof Nozzle Summary Table including the following columns:
TAG – Specifies the nozzle TAG identification.
NPS – Specifies the nozzle nominal pipe size (NPS).
SCH – Specifies the nozzle neck schedule/thickness.
RAD – Specifies the nozzle radial distance from the tank center.
ANGLE – Specifies the nozzle orientation angle.
PROJ – Specifies the nozzle projection. The distance measured from the flange face to the roof’s outer surface.
TYPE – Specifies the nozzle flange type.
CLASS – Specifies the nozzle flange class.
FACE – Specifies the nozzle flange facing.
SERVICE – Specifies the nozzle service.
NOTES – Specify the nozzle notes.
Nozzle List pop-up menu #
By right-clicking on a row in the Shell or Roof Nozzle Summary Table, the user is given access to operations that can be applied to the selected nozzle.

The actions that the user may perform from the pop-up menu are as follows:
Edit – Edit the selected nozzle. An Edit Nozzle window is opened to modify the selected nozzle.
Copy – Copy the selected nozzle. An Edit Nozzle window is opened with the exact information as the nozzle being copied and is open for modifications.
Delete – Delete the selected nozzle.
Set Focus – Selected nozzle gains focus in the 3D View.
Nozzle commands #
Add Nozzles – An Add Nozzles window is opened. The User may add any number of nozzles.
Import Nozzles – A Nozzle Import window is opened. The User may import any number of nozzles from a spreadsheet with this utility.
Clear Nozzles – All nozzles from both tables are deleted.