The Bill Of Materials Utility is accessed from the Data Panel located in the Home Tab.
This utility allows the user to visualize the tank’s bill of materials information.
This window contains different tabs with information: Summary Tab, Plates Tab, Structural Tab, Piping Tab, Misc Tab, Insulation Tab, and Bolt and Nuts Tab.
Export Button – The user may click the Export button to export the tank bill of materials information into a spreadsheet for further analysis.
Summary Tab #
The Summary Tab displays the tank’s overall weight information. The information can be grouped into Parts or Tank Components.
Plates Tab #
The Plates Tab displays the tank’s plates information in a table.
Structural Tab #
The Structural Tab displays the tank’s structural components information in a table.
Piping Tab #
The Piping Tab displays the tank’s piping components information in a table.
Misc Tab #
The Misc Tab displays the tank’s miscellaneous components information in a table.
Insulation Tab #
The Insulation Tab displays the tank’s insulation components information in a table.
Bolt and Nuts Tab #
The Insulation Tab displays the tank’s insulation bolts and nuts information in a table.